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Saturday, February 6, 2010


Recognizing Child Abuse: What Parents Should Know?

Learn to recognize the symptoms of child abuse. A physically abused child for example is often emotionally maltreated and a sexually abused child may be also neglected. children over age five are more likely to be physically abused and to suffer moderate injury then are children under age five. recognizing a child abuse, the child will show sudden changes in behavior, especially with other people who he does not known and he has a learning problems as a results mental abuse. other recognizing found on these children is always watchful, lack adults supervision, is overly compliant an overachieve or too responsible and comes to school early, stays late and does not to go home.

Features to recognizing parents involved with child abuse, they can shows little concern, denies the existence of/ or blames the child. ask the teacher to use harsh psychical discipline, sees the child entirely bad, demands perfection on academic performance and looks primarily to the child for care, attention and satisfaction of emotion needs.

Consider the possibility of sexual abuse when the child not easy walking or sitting, refuses to participate in physical activities, demonstrates bizarre sexual behavior, become pregnant and run away. Subsequently, consider is possibility of sexual abuse when the parents or other adults care give. features is unduly protective of the child, is secretive and isolated and describe marital difficulties.


eNgLisH 4 Science soSiaL said...

as a specialist at psychology department i very agree with statemnt above... we can see many changes when children victim of child this many way can use to solve this problem...said wani....

miss shima said...

This is one way to regonize chil abuse for knowlegde parents that know behaviour their child very well.

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